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Video Resume

Conclusion Questions

1. In as much detail as possible record the steps it took to create your video resume in Adobe Premiere Rush. Use complete sentences.​ Try to recall as many of the different tools and processes as possible. 


To create my video resume I recorded my A roll based on my resume and Script. I then uploaded my videos to CapCut. I then cut each video at the beginning of the timeline so it would not include the beginning of each clip, I then added my  B roll. I added text and transitions to the text so it would give it more aesthetic. I then added pictures that I found on Google and added transitions to those to make it seem like it is coming in with the text.


2. How does a video resume differ from a traditional paper resume? 


A paper resume only gives you details and a description of what you have done and your previous experience. Whereas a video resume gives the employer a sense of your personality and shares your qualifications on a personal level.


3. How might you use your video resume in the future and how would you update it to further help you?


I would use my video resume for a job that uses more customer service or hospitality. I would use it to show my experience and my personal bias on how I feel about my standing on a job. I could make it seem as if I am more interested through a video resume rather than a paper resume.


4. Based on the learning target, "Prepare Video Resume Portfolios created for a variety of purposes and applications appropriate for 21st-century sector opportunities by producing a storyboard, script, audio, and video clips then combining them in Adobe Premiere” What level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding) Why do you think so? Make sure to provide specific evidence.


I think I met the standard because I did not really understand how to create the video resume but I think I did better than I expected. I included the requirements although I believe I could have added or done something better to exceed the standrad. 

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