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Identity Collage

Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 10.05.36 AM.png

Conclusion Questions:

1. In as much detail as possible record the steps it took to create this project in photoshop. Use complete sentences.​

To create this project I had to first find a background and images that represented me. I first started with a plain background that was blue but then changed it to a city landscape. I then used Blend Modes to texturize the background. I used a water pattern to represent myself. I then used object selection on my images to get the part of the image I wanted. For example the cats, I would use object selection and Layer Mask  to create what I was going for. I did not use clipping masks because I was not trying to outline the identity collage or create a pop out. I did use blend modes to create outlines around each of my objects to highlight them. I used Free transform to move the images around a make them bigger or smaller to create depth. 
2. Define the terms as they relate to Photoshop: Blend modes,  layer masks and adjustment layers. Give a specific example of how you used each of these in your identity collage. 

Blend Modes: Blend Modes is using Normal, Darken, Lighten, Contrast, Inversion, and Components to improve your image. I used opacity in a lot of my images to make them look the same. 

Layer Masks: A layer mask is a way to hide parts of an image without removing it. I used layer masks to bring out parts of my images for example the people in my collage. 

Adjustment Layers: Adjustment layers are to manipulate the colors underneath an image. In some of my images like my friends I changed the colors underneath so the images would look more similar to each other compared to the others. 
3. How does your college represent your identity? What specific images did you use and what do they represent about you?

My collage represents my identity because it shows who I am for example the flags and background show things that are not people that are important to me. For example my culture and my ethnicity. I also people that are important to me that help me in daily life. I included family, friends and animals/pets. It shows how much I care about them and how they may represent my identity.  
4. What was successful in your project? What was unsuccessful and what would you do differently next time to solve this problem?

Something that was successful in my project was putting the images together and having no empty space. Something that was unsuccessful was trying to make them place them and find things that compare and contrast. Next time I would create an idea before hand and set a color theme to base it off of. 

5. Based on the learning target, what level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding). Why do you think? Make sure to provide specific evidence.

I think my project exceeds the mastery level because I was able to use multiple photoshop tools and learn how to use new ones to create a collage that represents me and things that are important to me. For example I learned how to use object select more precisely and I learned how to create less open space.  

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