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Book Cover 

Kaylean Mina - Book Cover Design Template (1).jpg
Screen Shot 2024-04-25 at 11.16.26 AM.png
Kaylean Mina - Cover Mockups.jpg

Conclusion Questions:
1. What book did you decide to redesign the cover for? Why did you choose this book? 

I chose Holes because it was a childhood book that I loved reading and I remember rereading it multiple times including watching the movie. 
2. What parts of the plot did you use as inspiration for your book cover design? 

Parts of the plot I used as inspiration are a shovel, the desert atmosphere, a person digging, and the intense environment. I also used the fact it was a detention center to create the vibe of the book cover. 
3. In as much detail as possible record the steps it took to create this project in Photoshop. Use complete sentences.​ Try to recall as many of the different tools, processes, and keyboard commands as possible. 

To create my book cover I used both Photoshop and Illustrator to create the design. I used Illustrator to create the title, I used blend modes and grouping to create the title. I also used Illustrator to create the background by using the shape builder tool to create mountains and a moon. I then copied and pasted it to Photoshop to create the front and back cover.  
4. What was the easiest and what was the most challenging part of creating your cover?

The easiest part of creating the book cover was using the tools to create the design the hardest part was meeting the client's needs and being creative.
5. Based on the learning target, "Students will redesign a cover for a famous book that appeals to a modern literacy audience by developing, proposing and refining artistic ideas, plans, prototypes and production processes for media arts productions.  " what level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding). Why do you think so? Make sure to provide specific evidence.

I think I exceeded the learning target because I was able to create a design through trial and error while including all of the client's needs. I also was able to use illustrator to create unique designs and then transferred it over to photoshop. 

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