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Lighting Patterns












Soft Lighting


Back Lighting

Top Lighting


Front Lighting




Hard Lighting

Conclusion Questions:

1.What are your overall strengths of your project?

Some of my strengths this project was finding lighting ad editing photos in adobe lightroom. It was fun taking the pictures and adjusting the lighting to make a better portrait. 

​2. What improvements could be made? 

Some improvements that could be made is the portrait lighting and the editing. Something that could be improved group wise is communication and patience to get the portrait correct. 

​ 3. What did you learn about lighting patterns?

Lighting patterns can be difficult to achieve but changing the camera and lighting settings make it possible for accurate portraits to be taken. 

4. How did photographing an egg prepare you for photographing a classmate?

Photographing an egg was practice for photographing a classmate. It prepared me by figuring out how to adjust lighting and the object or model to fit the lighting pattern needed. 

5. In what ways, were the two labs similar and what ways did the experiences differ?

The two labs were similar because of adjusting lighting and camera settings to fix the model. It was different because with photographing a classmate we had to adjust lighting around the classroom and use materials to make the lighting patterns more visible. 

6.Why is lighting important for a photographer to understand?  

Lighting is important for a photographer to understand because it can help them change the story or mood of the photo to make it more interesting. Adjusting lighting for other photographs can make other photogrpahs more aesthetically pleasing and bring a sense of emotion with it. 

7. How will you incorporate lighting in your photography in the future?

I can incorporate lighting in my photographs in the future to add emtion or change the story of my picture to accomplish the setting I am looking for. For example if I am doing a spooky setting I can use split lighting or rembrant lighting to create a more mysterious look. 

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